
Meandering me.

Now that I have gotten the creative juices flowing again by restarting the taunting project, I had to ask myself, “why did I put it up 5 years ago”? Was I too busy? Well, I am always too busy. I don’t think that was it. Maybe it was too hard. No, I love the challenge of a difficult task. How about too easy then? Definitely not that one. Perhaps I just didn’t like it when I got to the half way point. Well, nope, not that either. I have it! GPS syndrome.

GPS Syndrome is the inability to stick to one direction by constantly change your direction until you are going in circles. I remember now. I could not decide how to finish the project. One day I was going to stain it and the next leave it natural. Then another day I wanted to sand it smooth only to change my mind the next time I worked on it. Now that I am revisiting it I have “recalculated” 3 times.

I am done with that. After buying traditional cherry stain I tested it and decide “yucko”. Natural it is…no, wait, there is another option. I could burn it and then poly it. My daughter loved the idea and I am now content to stop making left turns. It is time to move forward.

So how many unfinished things in my life are because of indecision or a lack of true directon? I always thought it was because of boredom that I abandoned things before completion. Not sure I can answer that question now but I can be aware. I can pay closer attention. Make a conscious effort to be decisive.

I did not bargain for this type of revelation when I started this blog. But, hey, this jouney of goals and self-discovery is going to be a crazy road. Excited to travel it with my new “GPS”.

4 thoughts on “Recalculating…Recalculating

  1. Wow, you were right! We may make many left turns along the way, but most artists are usually traveling the same roads with their creative friends! And through the willingness of one to express their “real” thoughts and ideas, another is given new direction! Thank you for the scenic view!!!


  2. You really do not want to know how many short stories, essays, and novels that I have in some stage of completion on hard drives and filing cabinets. It is at least a number with triple digits. But, I have also learned from reaching the completion stage in some of those including having some of my writing published, that sometimes things come in the right time, as the Bible tells, and we just have to show it the patience it deserves. Onward with your adventure!


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